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Mark The Peoples' Bible Commentary - Another Gentile Healed
Mark The Peoples' Bible Commentary - Another Gentile Healed
by BRF - Dick France
Another Gentile Healed The previous story focused on the question of Jesus’ mission to Gentiles as well as Jews. Now we see him continuing in Gentile territory: Sidon, like Tyre, was Phoenician, and Decapolis was the Greek-dominated area to the east of the lake of Galilee (see on
John for Everyone Part 1 - Before Abraham, "I Am"
John for Everyone Part 1 - Before Abraham, "I Am"
by SPCK - N T Wright
Before Abraham, “I Am” John 8.48-59 Abraham lived roughly as long before Jesus as Jesus did before us. Speaking of them as in any sense contemporaries conjures up images of time travel, such as has been made famous in the world of science fiction since at least H. G. Wells and Ju
Often those abusing others
Often those abusing others
by Andrew Pratt
Often those abusing others never wish to own the truth, our possession of another always renders us uncouth. So the 'owners' of a woman, finding she was cured of pain, saw their source of wealth receding never to return again. Charging Paul with gross disturbance, challenging the
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